GWFBA is to provides a place for individuals, whose intention is to work in industries where business and creativity meet. GWFBA creates a space for students to be able to share and explore their interests, passions, and motivations, through a wide range of mediums. This on-campus organization was created to encompass everything from an online blog, printed magazine, events, fundraisers, and a captivating social media campaign. GWFBA is an organization made up of 150+ undergraduate students primed to work in the retail and design industries on the cornerstone of business and fashion, the organization aims to equip members with skills in creative curation, branding, industry awareness and all aspects of the fashion industry through student run social media pages, a website and a print magazine aimed to share and explore their interests, passions, and motivations, of GW students and ready them for their future career successes.


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Want to collaborate, ask a question, or give us a compliment? Shoot us an email, we don’t bite!